Cutback on coffee as your go-to source of energy | The Triangle

Cutback on coffee as your go-to source of energy

Feb. 21, 2020

For several weeks now, I have been telling multiple friends of mine whom I consider to be heavy coffee drinkers to put down the caffeinated drink, as it is not good for them. At this point, it has become a bit of a running joke in our friend group, however, it is no secret that just like with most things, too much can be bad for you.

I have always seen coffee as being one of the worst drinks on the planet. There are plenty of other drinks that are worse for you, but unlike some of those other drinks, coffee is one that can be accessed by almost everyone at any time, especially in Philadelphia. No matter where you are in the city, you can be certain that there is a coffee shop or at least a place that serves coffee somewhere within walking distance.

As college students, we practically have a level of access to coffee that is unmatched. You can find yourself a cup of coffee in pretty much every pocket of Drexel’s campus, and if you live in Summit, you don’t even have to go outside to get coffee.

I haven’t indulged in a cup of coffee in quite some time, but I understand why it’s such a hot commodity. Between the ability to customize the drink, different flavors and various brewing options, the taste of coffee can be manipulated to please practically any taste buds. In addition to tasting good, there are also some benefits to drinking coffee, some that I found to be rather surprising.

According to an article on, Italian-style coffee, also known as espresso, is linked with reducing the risk of certain types of cancer, including oral, pharynx, liver, colon, prostate, endometrial and melanoma. In addition, the International Agency for Research on Cancer reviewed 1,000 completed studies on coffee and determined that the beverage can no longer be classified as a cause of cancer.

In another article discussing the pros and cons of coffee on, research showed that high consumption rate of unfiltered coffee is linked to rises in cholesterol levels. There were also studies that found that having two or more cups of coffee per day may lead to a higher risk of heart disease in people with a genetic mutation which reduces the rate the body breaks down caffeine.

Now, there are plenty of other sources on the internet that talk about different benefits of drinking coffee, and while many of them are probably true, I would caution you to be careful about what you pick and choose to believe. There are as many great sources as there are terrible ones and it can be difficult to determine what is true and what is false.

Research aside, one thing that people can agree with is the fact that coffee is a popular drink largely due to the energy boost that caffeine provides. Personally, this is not a good reason for drinking coffee. If you’re waking up early in the morning and you are groggy and tired from a bad night of sleep, don’t immediately go for the coffee.

There are plenty of ways that you can get yourself going without consuming coffee. For me, a nice bottle of water, either cold or at room temperature, is a great way to get my body and mind. If that doesn’t do it for you, then try some coconut water. It’s closer to coffee in that it has a sweeter taste, as well as some nutrients that can provide you with an energy boost. Tea is also another solid option. It may seem like a rather obvious one, but the number of people who favor coffee over tea always surprises me. Black tea, specifically, is very similar to coffee in terms of what it provides. It has a bit of caffeine in it, and it also provides that nice feeling of sipping on a piping hot beverage while going about your normal routine.

I fully understand why coffee is a popular drink, and I am not saying that you should stop hitting up Starbucks, Saxbys, Wawa or whatever location you go to for your daily dose of coffee. What I am saying is that you should have substitutes for coffee, to avoid becoming dependent on it.