Lebow’s topping out is progress for University | The Triangle

Lebow’s topping out is progress for University

Aug. 31, 2012

There was a time when Drexel’s campus was free of cranes, chain-link fences and construction workers. Most current students can vouch that they cannot remember Drexel’s campus sans construction sites, but slowly yet surely, progress is being made.

Currently, the three major construction sites on campus are the new LeBow business center, the Chestnut Square apartment complex, and renovations of the URBN Center located at 3501 Market St. for the Westphal College of Media Arts & Design.

The 12-story LeBow business center hit a milestone Aug. 21 with a ceremony celebrating the placement of the building’s final beam. LeBow students and faculty alike witnessed the historic placement of the beam on top of the ever-growing building. Additionally, attendees were given the opportunity to sign the beam, leaving their mark on the building that will change Drexel’s campus forever.

So what does this mean for students? They will certainly see a light at the end of the tunnel, for the building is set to open in the spring of 2014. It was originally announced that the building would be complete in the fall of  2013, coinciding with the completion of the Chestnut Street Apartments; however, the completion date was extended.

Maybe this is wishful thinking, but the Drexel quad located between the new LeBow building, Korman and Disque may be open to students sooner than expected. The construction has certainly limited outdoor lounging and study spaces for students. Students can no longer use the tables outside of the Creese Center or sit around the quad, both of which were seized by the sounds and sights of construction.

Although summer term has been unbearably hot, students still want to enjoy basking in the sun after being cooped up inside the classroom, and without the quad, space is certainly limited. There are currently 12,004 full-time undergraduate students and 7,000 graduate and professional students attending Drexel. These numbers will certainly be growing in the future, and with the incoming freshmen class arriving this September, an open quad is strongly desired and necessary.