From the Editor’s Desk
Letter from The Editor-In-Chief
Dear Readers, My name is Kiara Santos (pronounced Key-air-uh), Editor-In-Chief of The Triangle. I have held this position for six months. In these six months,…

Fear is powerful, fear is all-consuming, and this Election Day, fear won out. Republican Donald J. Trump, our new president-elect, won the Electoral College 279-228…
Feb. 27, 2015
From the Editor’s Desk | The falsity of the ‘academic career’
I want to talk about the phrase “academic career” today. It’s counterproductive and dishonest. It should be removed from the English language, and the phrase…
Feb. 13, 2015
From the Editor’s Desk | Woes of financial holds
On Feb. 5, I was placed on a financial hold owing to some funny business with my billing which I don’t fully understand. I was…