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Interview and Co-op Position Advice from a Drexel Senior | The Triangle

Interview and Co-op Position Advice from a Drexel Senior

Feb. 28, 2025
Photo by Evie Touring | The Triangle

Having completed my co-op program, I have gained a wealth of valuable insights I wish I had known during my first co-op position. From leading a massive project on my own to utilizing every opportunity that presents itself, the Cooperative Education program is more than just a résumé booster, it offers us the chance to grow in ways that cannot be taught in a classroom. Whether you are preparing for your first interview, or wrapping up your final co-op, I hope the knowledge I have gained over the years can help you make the most of yours.

Whether you selected the four or five-year program, your co-op journey starts sometime during your second year, depending on what co-op cycle you are placed into. UNIV101 will have already explained how to navigate Steinbright to the co-op listings, build your résumé, apply for co-op positions and schedule your granted interviews. While the course is useful, it has its downsides when it comes to preparing you for a crucial aspect of your individual co-op journey: the co-op itself.

First, I want to address a sort of “legend” that surrounds the program’s three application rounds. You will likely hear that the first round, A-round, is where all the best companies are listed, the second round, B-round, will list some good, but lesser companies, and that the final round, C-round, is when you should apply to any company just to get a co-op, regardless of the position listed.

I urge you to completely reject the notion that the quality of your co-op is determined by the round in which you acquire it.

I speak from experience. My first co-op was with a large, highly reputable law firm that I acquired in C-round. My second was with a Fortune 500 food services and facilities company acquired in B-round. My third, also acquired in C-round, was with a global consulting firm that, to this day, is experiencing rapid growth.

I do not make this statement to gloat, but to support my claim that the quality of a co-op is not correlated to the round in which it is listed. Additionally, co-op listings may make multiple appearances not filled in previous rounds. Does that mean the experience offered by this position is diminished if it is listed in multiple rounds? Of course not. It just means the company did not fill the role in that round and they are keeping it open.

Following the application cycle comes the interview cycle. Assuming you have had no prior work experience, you likely have no interview experience as well. I did not. My first few interviews went so poorly that one representative ended my interview early. No matter how many articles you read, or how many times you rehearse with friends, nothing will fully prepare you for the real deal.

My advice? Simple, do not only apply to the positions you are absolutely interested in. Apply for positions that are adjacent to your major as well, and schedule them ahead of the interviews for your desired position. This allows you to organically develop and improve your interview skills with other companies to better prepare you for your desired interviews. I encourage you to do this for all three co-op cycles, because your résumé can only carry so much weight, but the interview offers both you and the company a direct opportunity to assess fit for the position and can ultimately carry more weight in the hiring process. 

There are risks with this, primarily involving the number of interviews you are granted and the flexibility of the company’s schedule. However, in the words of John Quincy Adams, “Try and fail, but don’t fail to try.”

Finally, I would like to focus on your time on the job. You can either stay within the boundaries of your job description or take a more proactive approach by asking for exposure to additional projects. Either choice is acceptable, but it is how you go about those matters, specifically when you inevitably make mistakes or find yourself struggling to complete tasks.

There will come a time while you are on co-op, whether it is on your first day or several weeks in, where you ask yourself “Can I actually do this?” For me, it always happened on my first day. I would walk to the front door, place my hand on the handle, and ask myself “Am I up for this? Can I really do this?” It may happen for various reasons. Whether you are making easy mistakes frequently, comparing yourself to others, or you genuinely believe you are unqualified for the position. I thought I was unqualified, and my bosses would see me as a fraud. Then, I realized something special about being an intern.

That realization was the fact that we can ask all the questions in the world. Granted, a business intern should not ask the difference between a credit and a debit, but when it comes to analytical complexities, the finer operations of the company, or exposure to additional projects, it is open season. Nothing stands out more to managers than an intern who takes initiative and demonstrates their eagerness to learn.

Whether you are just starting your co-op journey, or applying for your final co-op, I encourage you to constantly seek exposure. Every challenge you face is an opportunity to prove yourself and grow along with your coworkers.