Mobilizing to move forward | The Triangle

Mobilizing to move forward

Feb. 3, 2017
Maggie Fedorocsko: The Triangle
Maggie Fedorocsko: The Triangle



In the wake of the election, there was a social-media firestorm.

Multitudes of angry liberals and people who disapprove of having a hate-mongering game show host as our president took to various online platforms to express their disapproval and contempt of the President Donald Trump.

But in Trump’s America, especially with a Republican majority in congress, vitriolic tweets will not be enough. If you care about racial, economic, social and environmental justice, mobilization is imperative to combating the policies that will be put forth by this administration.

One exemplary instance of people coming together at a grassroots level to let their voice be heard is the women’s marches Jan. 21. The Philadelphia women’s march was started and organized by Emily Cooper Morse.

Cooper Morse detailed in her speech at the march that she worked in supply-chain management and was a mother and wife. She’d seen that there was going to be a Women’s March on Washington and wanted to go, but it wasn’t feasible because of other obligations. She realized that this would be a problem for many other people in the Tri-State area who wanted to go and decided to organize a march in Philadelphia.

This is a testament that one regular, but extraordinary, woman can organize and mobilize thousands of people to stand in solidarity with one another and fight for the change they would like to see.

The only way to fight against this administration’s regressive policies is to mobilize and protest, and Morse should be an example for everyone.

In this day and age, social media clearly is the means of organizing with the highest efficacy.

Via Facebook, one has the ability to start events, share events with their friends and let friends of friends see the events — which, in turn, creates a chain-reaction of a cause permeating through an innumerable amount of timelines. Not to mention, there are also groups on Facebook that have thousands upon thousands of people who share the same views and beliefs as you, creating an effective means of networking.

I predict that the next four years are going to be marked as the age of the protester: normal people standing in solidarity with one another, protesting the abhorrent policies and actions of the Trump administration, creating a change. Many people may be disillusioned with politics since the advent of Trump’s presidency, but it is more important than ever to care. We need to care for women, for people of color, for immigrants, for Muslims, for the economically disadvantaged and, most importantly, for those marginalized all throughout the country.

The best way to show we care is to mobilize and protest, to show Trump and the GOP that we won’t stand for their corporatist, intolerant policies.

I urge all of my fellow leftists to not lose hope and to keep on fighting the good fight.