The Drexel Writing Center can make your college life easier | The Triangle

The Drexel Writing Center can make your college life easier

Sep. 14, 2019
Photograph by Ben Ahrens for The Triangle.

So it’s Welcome Week, and you’re probably caught up in whatever sort of anticipation you have for the year and years ahead of you. You might be planning to be totally on top of things academically, to wing it for as long as you can, or some blend between the two. Flash forward to the second half of the term, let’s say week 8 so that we can assume you can’t withdraw from your classes anymore. You have a paper that’s giving you trouble for one reason or another. Where do you go? Your friends and classmates might be one option. Grammarly might be another. A Reddit clickhole could be a third. But you could also bring it to the Writing Center. Not Writers’ Room in MacAllister with the big murals on the outside. The one just behind all of the orange chairs in the Korman Center. First you’ll want to make an appointment online at and choose a 45 minute time slot when a tutor is available. You can have your appointment in person by coming into the center or online if that isn’t feasible. We do take walk-in’s but there is never a guarantee that one of our peer readers will be available. We work with projects at all stages of the writing process. So whether you are brainstorming ideas, revising a finished draft, stuck on a difficult section, making drastic content changes, or looking to have someone fix any small mistakes you might have missed, bring your paper in to the center. We also work with non-academic writing. So if you want someone to give feedback on your passion project or cover letter or any other piece of writing, feel free to bring that in as well. It is also good to know that the center is not in any way remedial. Writers of all skill levels can and do come in to work with us. Although we work with writers on individual projects, our goal is to make better writers rather than just to quickly fix your paper. I have been a tutor at the Writing Center for the past three terms. While I won’t be there myself for the next two terms due to an LA coop, I can highly recommend all of our other peer readers. We span a pretty good range of majors at the moment: economics, graphic design, film, screenwriting and playwriting, English, and English Lit. If you are interested in becoming a peer reader yourself, signing up for WRIT 210 (after taking ENGL 102) is your first step. Each week, tutors and administrators meet for an hour to continue training as tutors and to develop the anti-racist pedagogy of the center. It’s a great community that I’ve really come to enjoy in the time I’ve worked there.