The Triangle has had a shift in leadership at the Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor positions. With summer quarter on the horizon, we wanted to do a quarterly review on what we have done under new management. During the short span of just one quarter, a lot has happened. We have navigated unprecedented major breaking news coverage of the Drexel and UPenn encampments, presented at the first Triangle alumni mixer, wrapped up a major yearlong grant from the Solutions Journalism Network and had a successful spring recruitment cycle. In addition to all we have worked on this quarter, we are looking forward to the continued improvement of our website, content and reworking our constitution in the coming year.
Starting off the quarter, a lot was going on. UPenn students had set up an encampment on Penn’s College Green and The Triangle was there to cover it. We worked with our photo team, news team and copy editors to turn around articles as quickly as possible to keep students and the community informed. We upheld our content standards while also pushing for fast reporting and on the scene photography. Shortly after UPenn disbanded the protests via arrests, an encampment began on Drexel’s own Korman Quadrangle. The Triangle covered the protest from the moment it began, until it disbanded. Maintaining our strict standards while also publishing breaking news as it happened both to our website and our social media was an all-hands-on-deck task that took the whole team’s full effort to pull off.
On May 11, The Triangle Alumni Advisory Board hosted an alumni mixer with 20+ Triangle members from throughout the years. We presented to them all that we have accomplished since our revival in 2022. It was a great opportunity for our current members to network with and learn from former Triangle members. We plan to host more of these events in the future and expand our alumni network.
We have also had a successful fundraising quarter. During our 24 Hours of Impact campaign, we raised over $1,300. These donations will help us continue the tradition of printing our paper, rewarding our staff via outings and bonding experiences for their hard work and buying office supplies.
Looking into the future, we have a lot of plans in the works. We are in the process of creating a newsletter to send out via email to keep alumni, as well as the broader community, informed of publication dates, Triangle current events and behind-the-scenes content. We are also rewriting our Triangle constitution for the modern day and the future, while keeping the values that have carried us through so much already. In addition to those plans, we are actively applying for grants and planning more professional development opportunities for Triangle staff.
While we have only just begun, we are looking forward to serving the Drexel community in the coming academic year.
All the best,
Sophia Mattia
Samuel Gregg
Managing Editor