DIY Pressed Botanicals | The Triangle

DIY Pressed Botanicals

Aug. 6, 2014

Photo by Gabriella Tam

Finally, a chance to put your old textbooks to use!

This do-it-yourself project is a great way to preserve old flowers and decorate your apartment. Although the work may take about three days to complete, these pressed botanicals are incredibly easy to make. Plus, you can use several types of flowers — orchids, daisies, roses and more!

Materials: selection of flowers, textbook, newspaper, poster paper, superglue, scissors, picture frame

First, open up the textbook and place the newspaper on one side of the book. Then, arrange the flowers on top of the newspaper. Place another sheet of newspaper on top of the flowers, and close the textbook to press the flowers down. Allow the flowers to be pressed for two to three days.
Cut the poster paper so that it fits in the picture frame. A quick tip: trace the insert that comes with the frame. Then, take the newly flattened flowers out of the textbook, arrange them to your liking and glue them to the poster paper. Next, set the poster paper inside the frame, and find a home for your new pretty piece!