Lizzy Lee, sophomore, graphic design
Wearing Adidas top, PacSun jeans, Santa Cruz Windbreaker and Doc Martens
The Triangle: How would you describe your style?
Lizzy Lee: Usually I joke around and say that I describe my style as hobo chic. Things I wear have usually have holes in them or are a little oversized and they always have to be comfy.
TT: Has coming to the East Coast from the West Coast affected your style?
LL: I think after I moved to the East Coast, I started wearing more of what I wanted without judgment. In Los Angeles there is a lot of pressure to be “stylish.” Being outside of that environment gives me more space to experiment.
TT: Do you think that people dress differently here than from home?
LL: I think the style in Philly is different than in California. Kate Spade and Vineyard Vines are not brands I see a lot of at home. I also feel like there’s less of an emphasis on style here. But no matter where you go, people are going to want to present themselves in different ways.
TT: What influences and inspires your style?
LL: I think I find most of my inspiration from movies and television. If I see a character that has a cool style, I tend to pull things from them. Also, I follow different designers/artists/models on Instagram and that influences my style. Tumblr was very important for me in high school but I found myself pulling away from that because it gets really repetitive and boring. Everyone is always wearing the same things.