Tag: charity
Apr. 18, 2014
Back on My Feet reaches out to 33rd and Baring
The Philadelphia-based organization Back on My Feet launched a new team April 9 based out of Veteran’s House, which will be hosting runs near Drexel’s…

Feb. 22, 2013
DUCoM hosts AIDS benefit concert
The Drexel University College of Medicine raised $9,775 at the 20th annual Pediatric AIDS Benefit Concert Feb. 16 in the Main Building. Including the Nov.…
Jan. 13, 2012
‘Real World’ cast promotes charitable Flex Watches
MTV’s “The Real World” typically consists of the three ingredients that make a reality show great: partying, drinking and fighting. This past season premiered Sept.…
Nov. 18, 2011
Students build, donate computers to local charity
Students in one Computing and Security Technology Microcomputer course learned more about computers while giving back to their community this term, as a part of…
Jun. 3, 2011
DU ensembles and artists entertain at Drexel Park
Starting June 3 at noon, the music program will be rocking out all day in Drexel Park for the Spring Music Festival. The concert, which…