Tag: city
Jun. 30, 2017
Don’t take summer in Philadelphia for granted
The summer quarter has officially started for students as has summer break for freshmen . There’s no doubt that mostly everyone is miserable about being…

Oct. 7, 2016
Perks of inner city living
The second I was admitted into Drexel, I was eager to leave the claustrophobic New Jersey suburbs and move to Philadelphia. I had wanted to…

Jul. 22, 2016
Integration over gentrification
As Drexel once again makes a concerted effort to expand pieces of the campus, pushing ever northward (and westward), it is useful to not only…

May. 13, 2011
Victory gardens can still be of use
Maxwell Balbin At the onset of World War II, the United States government rationed materials in order to ensure its armed forces were properly supplied…