Tag: Government
Oct. 6, 2017
Managing epic proportions
This year’s ongoing Atlantic hurricane season can be described by a vast number of categories: apocalyptic, destructive, terror-inducing for both those affected directly and those…

Jun. 2, 2017
Free speech propaganda and the right to be heard
Free speech is the most important right we have. The Founding Fathers, understanding it as the prime element in a free society, wrote it into…

May. 19, 2017
Comey’s firing is criminal
Another day, another way to save face for President Donald Trump. That’s how you could summarize the firing of former FBI Director James Comey May…

Apr. 28, 2017
The Bigly failure of Trump’s first 100 days
This Saturday will be the 100th day of the Trump presidency. “No matter how much I accomplish during the ridiculous standard of the first 100…

Apr. 14, 2017
The Russian tripact
At first glance, Putin looks like a Communist. He was a former KGB agent before the collapse of the USSR — known as the Committee…

Feb. 24, 2017
Trump should not be considered a fascist
Nowadays, it seems to be popular to label Donald Trumps a “fascist”. Several writers from major news outlets have made this comparison, and with good…

Feb. 17, 2017
Defending the neurodiverse
It’s amazing when you look high up in our government how much garbage you can find. We have Betsy DeVos, who doesn’t know the very…

Jan. 27, 2017
What should the left do in the age of Trump?
Get over it, Joe Biden was advising us the other day. It’s happened, it’s done. Well, yes. Donald Trump is our 45th president, and our…

Sep. 30, 2016
Electing your student government
Fall Undergraduate Student Government Association elections are coming up quickly, and there are no less than 17 open positions in the legislature, not counting freshman…

Jul. 22, 2016
The impacts of helicopter money today
Helicopter money has become popular among economists and policy makers as a result of the ineffectiveness of conventional monetary policy in an environment of near…