Tag: Government
May. 10, 2019
The truth had set us free, well, until Barr was sworn in
It was the report that America and the world waited with bated breath to hear. The report that would reveal, once and for all, whether…

Apr. 26, 2019
Making a call for the impeachment of President Trump
The Mueller Report has arrived, or as much of it as we have been permitted to see rather. As damning as its evidentiary detail is,…

Apr. 19, 2019
Israel’s prime minister Netanyahu crosses the red line
Benjamin Netanyahu has won his fifth term as Israel’s prime minister, and this summer he will surpass its founder, David Ben-Gurion, as its longest-serving chief…

Apr. 19, 2019
Pregnancy policies should be made by female lawmakers
The week of April 8, two bills in Texas and Ohio regulating abortion reached their respective state senate and house. Ohio Senate Bill 23, named…

Apr. 12, 2019
Death does not take holidays on the Supreme Court
The death penalty is dying a slow, lingering death in America, but for every day it continues we write a new chapter of moral infamy…

Apr. 5, 2019
Now is the time to start considering an impeachment
The long-awaited Mueller Report, 675 days in the making, has now landed with a thud of disappointment. Although we do not have the text but…

Mar. 8, 2019
Democratic Party has a lack of leadership for the 2020 election
As the election cycle starts rolling, more and more information is being released to the public, and the path to the 2020 elections is steadily…

Mar. 1, 2019
The Great Regression: America in the last 50 years
The year 2019 offers several landmark dates: the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles, the 70th of the founding of NATO and the 30th…

Feb. 22, 2019
Amazon would have had contributed to gentrification in NYC
Amazon may swallow the world in the end. But it won’t get Long Island City. That was the big news out of the Big Apple,…

Feb. 8, 2019
Ocasio-Cortez’ proposed tax plan isn’t as bad as it seems
Three days after becoming the youngest woman sworn into Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sat down with Anderson Cooper for a landmark interview on 60 Minutes. After…