Tag: Government
Oct. 19, 2018
Democracy is at risk
As American democracy descends further into its present impasse — or abyss — we can trace the steps by which we have arrived at our…

Oct. 12, 2018
Polarization in the U.S. has put democracy in danger
To have democracy, you have to have civil society. In the broadest sense, the term is inclusive of everyone who lives in a given country…

Oct. 5, 2018
Zero tolerance for sexual assault
Since the election of Donald Trump to President of the United States in 2016, conflict and tension surrounding the increased discourse on sexual assault and…
Oct. 5, 2018
Brett Kavanaugh shouldn’t have a seat on any court
Last Thursday, we saw a woman of dignity, composure and courage describe the worst moment of her life. I can’t imagine what reserves of spirit…

Aug. 24, 2018
Trump is destroying the U.S.’ global image
After 19 months of Donald Trump being the president, it might seem folly to seek a single area in which he has done the most…

Aug. 24, 2018
Legalize the sticky icky
The United States is a federal republic. This means that multiple levels of governmental bodies are allowed to implement policy and law over the same…

Aug. 24, 2018
South African farm land seizures are totalitarian
Outrage has sparked over the new government decisions made by the South African government to confiscate land illegally from white farm owners and to redistribute…

Aug. 10, 2018
Trump is risking America’s alliances abroad
It’s hard to tell whether Donald Trump is more preoccupied with wrecking civil discourse and public institutions domestically in the United States, or shattering the…

Jul. 27, 2018
Getting the facts straight on the Russia and U.S. meeting
It is the ultimate task of the journalist, whether it be a small and independent source as myself, or a large and diverse source as…

Jul. 27, 2018
Democracy in the U.S might not have a future
The question this essay asks — does democracy have a future? — must start, I think, with the question of what its present condition is.…