Tag: Republican
Feb. 3, 2017
Mobilizing to move forward
In the wake of the election, there was a social-media firestorm. Multitudes of angry liberals and people who disapprove of having a hate-mongering…

Jan. 27, 2017
What should the left do in the age of Trump?
Get over it, Joe Biden was advising us the other day. It’s happened, it’s done. Well, yes. Donald Trump is our 45th president, and our…

Jan. 13, 2017
Obama: The farewell address you won’t hear
What comes with a new administration is an inaugural speech and a State of the Union address. Relieved of the baggage of campaign promises, the…

Oct. 28, 2016
Walking the middle line
This week, The Triangle will run the third front page of fall term that features Hillary Clinton or individuals campaigning on her behalf. We have…
Oct. 14, 2016
Why Donald Trump deserves more credit
Don’t get me wrong. Donald Trump is the most irresponsible candidate ever to run for high office. It is beyond bizarre to imagine him heading…

May. 27, 2016
Thinking about how Donald Trump made it
Andrew Sullivan, writing in the current issue of New York Magazine, calls the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency “an extinction-level event,” the life-form under…

Jun. 5, 2015
This year’s most conservative goes to…
In my undergraduate game theory course, I have a unit on game theory applied to voting. The main topic is strategic voting — that is,…

Jan. 16, 2015
Did Obama hurt Dems chance at 2016 presidency?
When I was in sixth grade, I heard my peers and teachers actively discussing about the 2004 U.S. presidential election. Of course, I was naive…

Aug. 31, 2012
The dynamite has been planted
Douglas Hammond Mitt Romney’s vice-presidential pick, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, is the metaphorical TNT placed within the U.S. political mountain that will trigger…