Tag: welcome week
Sep. 15, 2017
It’s okay to change majors
I applied to Drexel University as a biology major. Once I was accepted to Drexel, I decided that perhaps mechanical engineering would be the major…

Sep. 15, 2017
Freshman year: the time to take chances
Humans prefer a structured life to one characterized by chaos and uncertainty. We would rather follow the light at the end of the tunnel than…

Sep. 23, 2016
Drexel hosts second Welcome Week
Drexel University welcomed incoming students at Welcome Week 2016. The orientation ran from Sept. 10 through Sept. 18 and hosted a wide variety of…

Sep. 9, 2016
Welcome from the President
A Message from President John A. Fry to the Incoming Class I am thrilled to welcome you to Drexel. You couldn’t have picked a better time…

Sep. 9, 2016
Drexel dictionary: learn how to talk like a Dragon
The Drexel Shaft (noun and verb) The Drexel Shaft (or just the shaft) is a term that refers to any event or policy brought about…

Sep. 9, 2016
Best study spaces on campus
The quarter system is an ambitious proposition. The idea of taking 15 weeks worth of material and cramming it into just 10 is bold. Yet,…

Sep. 9, 2016
Student deals
People joke about being a broke college student all the time, and while it seems like an over-exaggeration (how many millennials are living wonderful lives…

Sep. 17, 2015
“Welcome Week” replaces freshmen orientations
The 2015-2016 academic year marks Drexel University’s shift from nine summer freshman orientations to “Welcome Week,” a single week-long fall orientation. The event is scheduled…